Monday, 1 January 2018

November 6 to December 18, 2017

This is the last entry into our blog about our mission to Ghana.  It was  a great experience that we have cherished since we arrived home to Kelowna in December, 2017.  It is now Feb, 2021 and we are going to have the blog published in book form so that we and others can  read of our experiences.  The lasting memories are:

- Seeing and feeling the light of the gospel in the young missionaries lives which was contagious. 
- We enjoyed visiting their apartments to take out items that needed replaced or to repair broken beds
   and to help them to overcome various ailments.  Meg was a great Mission Nurse!

- Serving the kind, helpful and jovial people of Ghana..

- Buying coconuts for all the people at the driving range and giving out Books of Mormon.

 - The many outings and meals that we enjoyed with our fellow senior missionaries who were all most
  exemplary of what the gospel is in real life.  They all had a special spirit about them.

Amsterdam airport with some missionaries we returned home with.

One of the many vehicles that had religious sayings.   A very 
God believing people.

Our first Mission President David Heid who was a wonderful man.

An example of a going home devotional - not ours.

Elder and Sister Webster.  Elder Webster served as the Executive Secretary to the Area Presidency and was a good source of information.  They later returned to serve as Mission President in the Ghana Kumasi Mission.

Gilbert's wife and daughter.

The following pictures  are random final photos of the people, street scenes and animals we saw on our safari to South Africa.

We stayed in some wonderful accommodations!

Victoria Falls with Kevin, Linda, Carol, Les and Mikyla.

Dinner on a the Zambezi.  We saw a lot of hippos in the river.

Back to reality.  Buying a car for Meg in Kelowna.